Diagnostic Fee:
If a potential client doesn’t know what the issue exactly is with the device he/she needs for repair, there is a required diagnostic to see what is wrong. Depending on what needs to be diagnosed, there is a diagnostic charge between $75 and $85. It would be required upon arrival or before the appointment comes to a close. All payment methods are accepted:
Credit/Debit Card (3.5% Sales Tax if one chooses)
Payment for Services:
Payment is NEVER required before starting a project, only after. A deposit is required by chance the project is quoted at least $500; a small percentage would be needed. Payment is only made when client is fully satisfied with the finished product. All payments are made upon arrival or before technician leaves client’s premises.
Refunds or partial refunds are only issued under the following circumstances:
If a service call is made, but the task at hand isn’t fixable
If the company cannot find a quality replacement part for their computer after a failed installation
For Data Recovery: If all or close to all data has not been recovered when technician states an inaccurate percentage or storage amount
By chance a computer is rebuilt and is missing data or programs that were supposed to be on the system
Please back up your computer before giving it to the technician. If not, there would be a $50 charge for EQS to conduct the backup process
Service Calls:
If client has become unsatisfied with the repaired product, he/she can reach out to EQS to come look at what the problem can still be at no additional charge. If it is software related, a remote session would need to be conducted first before a technician is appointed to come in. By chance a part needs to be replaced due to a defect, the client doesn’t pay for that. If for any reason the client has tampered with the machine after repair, EQS is not responsible for the service call and will have to charge a fee to further repair said issue (water damage, installing a virus, etc.)